Neat Image user guide / Filtration process details

Stage II. Prepare a device noise profile

Use the Device Noise Profile tab in the Filtration Job Editor:

To filter the input image, Neat Image needs to know the characteristics of noise produced by the image acquisition device (digital camera, scanner, etc.) that the image comes from. The noise characteristics of a device working in a certain mode are stored in a device noise profile.

There are several ways to get a device noise profile that suits the input image:

The first option is often the easiest one provided the input image includes uniform featureless image areas that contain noise but no visible or important details. Neat Image can automatically find such image areas and analyze noise in there to build a noise profile of the image. When the image contains featureless areas, this way of preparing a noise profile is the most accurate and therefore recommended.

The last two options are available once you have a ready-made reusable set of profiles. You may find free profile sets for your camera or scanner in:

If you cannot find a ready-made set of profiles, then you can easily build reusable profiles yourself. Moreover, please be aware that using ready-made profiles built by other people may produce less than optimal results with your images because of possible slight differences in noise properties of cameras (scanners) as well as due to different imaging processing workflows used. Therefore, we advise to use ready-made noise profiles built by others only as a starting point to learn how to use Neat Image. To achieve better results consider building your own reusable profiles.

You can build a set of profiles for different device modes or just one profile to process one image. See the Device noise profiles section for detailed instructions.

Once you have a set of profiles for different modes of your imaging device, you can (automatically or manually) select a profile that matches the input image. Or if you have just built a singe profile specifically for the input image, then you can use the profile to process the image in the Stages III-V.

To build a new profile using the input image


To automatically select matching noise profile from a pre-built profile set

See Profile matching options for more details about the following profile matching options: Profile Matching and Matching parameters priorities.

To manually select a noise profile from a pre-built profile set


To additionally fine-tune a loaded pre-built profile

You may want to additionally fine-tune the profile you have just loaded either automatically (using profile matching) or manually. You can fine-tune this profile to the current input image using (the Auto Fine-Tune button) or the Profile | Auto Fine-Tune menu item . This usually makes the profile more accurate and better matching the input image.

Please note that you do not need to fine-tune a profile if you have just built it using Auto Profile. Auto Profile automatically makes auto fine-tuning so you do not need to repeat it.



Stage I :: Stage II :: Stage III :: Stage IV :: Stage V