Neat Image user guide / Device noise profiles / Preparing a profile set for different device modes
Stage III. Structuring profile set
In the Stage II, you have prepared a set of profiles on the disk. These profiles have automatically received file names that reflect the device modes they correspond to (if the necessary device mode information was available in the analyzed images).
For example, profiles for Olympus C5050Z could be named like the following:
Olympus C5050Z
C5050Z (ISO100; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by125s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by200s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; 2bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by160s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by160s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; 5bpp; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by250s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2048x1536; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2288x1712; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO100; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by60s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2048x1536; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2288x1712; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO200; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by80s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2048x1536; WB Default; 1by160s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2288x1712; WB Default; 1by160s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1696; WB Default; 1by200s).dnp C5050Z (ISO400; Uncompressed; SharpNormal; 2560x1920; WB Default; 1by160s).dnp
| Here:
- disk folderC5050Z - camera name ISO ### - ISO rate of camera mode #bpp (bits per pixel) - JPEG compression level or Uncompressed for TIFF Sharp##### - sharpness adjustment #### x #### - image size WB ####### - white balance 1by## / #.## - exposure time
When the profiles are named like this, manual selection of an appropriate profile is simple. You can check the device mode of the input image (using the Input Image box on the right panel in the Input Image tab of the Filtration Job Editor) and then select a profile for this device mode from the list of profiles (you can also see the profile details in the preview in the Open device noise profile dialog).
There is another way to select profile for an image, based on structuring the profile set using the disk folders. For example, the above Olympus C5050Z profile set could be structured like this:
Olympus C5050Z
TIFF (Uncompressed)
HQ (2bpp)
SHQ (5bpp)
| Here: - disk folder
Olympus C5050Z, JPEG (bpp) / TIFF (Uncompressed), #### x #### - the names of disk subfolders containing device noise profiles for corresponding device modes; ISO - specific device noise profiles;
Note that constant parameters (Sharpness adjustment and White Balance) are not reflected in the folder structure. However, if there were profiles with different values of these parameters then additional subfolder should be added. Parameters that can be disregarded, such as exposure time, are not reflected in the folder structure too.
In this case, the folder tree enables storing device noise profiles in a structured way, which helps you to manually select one profile from the set given the device mode of the input image. This can be especially useful when you use the popup menu to select profiles (if there is no popup menu, check the Folder options).
Note that the automatic profile matching provided by Neat Image does work well in both cases: you can keep the whole set of profiles as a flat list of files in one folder, or you can structure the files into subfolders. This choice only affects the convenience of manual profile selection, while automatic profile matching can handle both cases.
If the automatic profile matching is not available (for example, if the images or profiles contain no EXIF information or the available EXIF details are incomplete) then you have to use manual profile matching. Therefore, we advise to structure profiles according to one of the methods above to make your manual work easier.
Stage I :: Stage II :: Stage III :: Stage IV