Neat Image user guide / Information


To become a registered user and to get a fully functional edition of Neat Image (Home, Home+, Pro or Pro+) you have to purchase a Neat Image license (a single- or multi-user license). You can purchase a license online. Please find the detailed information in the Purchase section of the Neat Image web page.

After you have purchased a Neat Image license, you receive an e-mail from the Neat Image team with detailed download and registration instructions. These instructions will help you download and become a registered user of Neat Image software.

By becoming a registered user of Neat Image you will:

  1. Encourage the authors to further develop and improve Neat Image;
  2. Get access to all functions of Neat Image that are disabled in the Demo edition (see the Detailed feature map);
  3. Be able to use Neat Image for commercial and other purposes;
  4. Get free updates of the software (minor modifications with the same major version number, for example, updates from v5.0 to any v5.x);
  5. Enjoy reduced upgrade prices for new major future modifications of Neat Image or will get a free upgrade;
  6. Receive the primary attention of Neat Image support group;
  7. Receive the primary attention of Neat Image development group
    (tell us what you want to see in the next version).
Message from the Neat Image team

By becoming a registered user you are helping us to further develop and improve the software.

Become a registered user and we will make Neat Image better for YOU!