This option enables/disables automatic recalculation of preview in the Filtration Job Editor. When enabled, automatic recalculation is done every time you select a new image area or change the filter parameters. Auto-preview is invoked only when the Noise Filter Settings tab is used.
Delay: N second(s)
This is the delay in seconds between a change of filter parameters and automatic preview recalculation.
Use this option to adjust the priority of the filtration process running in a multitasking environment:
Auto restore is to restore the Filtration Queue window when all filtration jobs are done.
Auto minimize is to minimize the Filtration Job Editor window during filtration. This has two purposes; one it can speed up the process and conserve memory, and two, it gets the editor out of your way while it works.
Auto restore is to restore the Filtration Job Editor window at the end of filtration.
Neat Image has a simple audible signal system.
The when filtration jobs are processed checkbox is used to enable / disable periodic sounds during filtration process. This may help you monitor the application while it is processing jobs.
Use the when all filtration jobs are done checkbox is to enable / disable a single sound to indicate the end of filtration process.